February 22 - 23, 2011    london , United Kingdom
Overcoming Modern Aviation Security Challenges Whilst Ensuring Compliance, Throughput and Customer Facilitation

Building on the success of our Aviation Security events in the US, Singapore, Dubai and India, Defence IQ is proud to present Aviation Security 2011 London.

Since the events of 9/11 and the 25th December 2009, the aviation industry has come under renewed pressure to increase levels of security with minimal impact on its operations and service to passengers. With increasingly stringent regulations governing security compliance, the costs of security operations (at European airports) accounts for around 35% of operational costs, leaving airline operators, airport authorities and ultimately passengers picking up the bill.

The aviation industry is finding it difficult to remain security compliant due to the current ambiguity of current regulations and a lack of policy coherence, which in turn had a negative effect on efficiency and passenger throughput. This conference is designed to help aviation security stakeholders to minimise costs, increase throughput and achieve security compliancy.


Location: America Square Conference Centre
Contact 1 America Square 17 Crosswall EC3N 2LB london , United Kingdom
+44 20 7706 7700

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