September 19 - 22, 2012    Paris , France
The National Congress of the SFAR is the first event in French and Francophone Anesthesia and Resuscitation. Each year more than 5,000 physicians and more than 1,500 nurses (s) (nurse (s)-Anaesthetists, Intensive Care and Emergency) are involved in this appointment. Each participant may call the program, starting from the day Wednesday Club, of Emergencies and the Vital Processing and Evaluation of Pain.
. The SFAR also made ​​significant efforts to our younger colleagues, both at the National Congress only through the creation of a "young", which will soon be very concrete proposals whose implementation should begin in 2012, so they can find their rightful place in our society.


Location: Palais des Congrès de Paris
Paris's Palais des Congrès is an emblematic site at the core of Paris’ business activities. An active participant in the economic life of the city, it has promoted Paris’ cultural interests since its..
Contact 2, Place de la Porte Maillot 75017 Paris , France
+33 1 40 68 22 22