October 25 - 28, 2011    Moscow , Russia
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FGNU Republican Multi-Media center


Soyuz DPO, the Union The Union of Managers of Institutions and Subdivisions of Additional Vocational Training and Employers

TEN-Video, LLC

Kurt, CJSC

National Instruments

The Study Center RTSoft, Non-Commercial Educational Institution

Baltika-reaktiv, LLC

Shuya State Pedagogical University, State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education

Fizikon, LLC

A. I. Herzen State Pedagogical University, State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education

MEI Moscow Energy Institute, State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education

R&D Center Vladis, LLC


Location: All Russian Exhibition Center
The unique ensemble of the exhibition area had been forming for several decades. The first All-Union Agricultural Exhibition was opened in Ostankino on the 1st of August, 1939. The exhibition occupied..
Contact Estate 119, Prospekt Mira Moscow , Russia
+7 495/544-3400