March 16 - 18, 2010    Tashkent , Uzbekistan
Active development of Uzbek cinema production industry requires modern high technologies introduction. Range of equipment and services in that field is rapidly widening, so that it’s necessary to have possibility being informed on the latest achievements in cinema producing fields.

Uzbek and foreign specialists inter dialog, experience exchange, demonstration of technical brand news – all above will support for further development of local cinematography.

“Cinema. Flash & Sound” is targeted to all participating in creation of cinema and broadcast producing and presenting full range of goods and services for that purposes – lightning equipment sound recording equipment, cameras, trick effects etc.

What kind of equipment would be used in new Uzbek cinema making, what a trick effects would be there, how new technologies of digital movie would be applied and many other news are likely to be known during the coming Exhibition.

You’d have a chance to see and try in operation newest photo and video cameras,lens systems,home videos, projectors etc.,and change the news and experience with your colleagues from differ countries.


Location: Uzexpocentre
“Uzexpocentre” Republican Trade Exhibition Center was established and included in structure of republican complex for international trade in late 1992 according to order of Cabinet of Ministers for..
Contact 107 Amir Timur Street , 100047 Tashkent , Uzbekistan
+998 71 1344545