April 16 - 18, 2010    Edmonton AB , Canada
Welcome to the 5th Annual Edmonton Log & Cottage Show

In it’s fifth successful year, the Log & Cottage Show in Edmonton continues to provide enthusiasts and log and timber frame home construction an exciting 3-day opportunity to touch, smell and of course, purchase the log or timber frame home of their dreams.
With more than 35 builders gathered, along with numerous suppliers, there has never been a better or wider selection of craftsmen and artisans to work with, and nor has there ever been a better time to buy!

Informative SEMINARS compliment the 3 day event, giving potential buyers a perfect opportunity to learn about the process, get to know the builders, and get all their questions answered.


Location: Northlands Agricom
Northlands is committed to providing the best in entertainment experiences and business opportunities. This is achieved by being a producer, partner, facilitator and host, while positioning Edmonton..
Contact Box 1480 , Alberta, Canada T5J 2N5 Edmonton , Canada
780.471.7210 Toll Free 1.888.800.7275

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