March 13 - 15, 2013     , Czech Republic
The aim of the 4th annual "International Rail Freight Conference", IRFC 2013 is to offer an opportunity to exchange information and experience of companies involved in the existing railway transport between Europe and Asia and to highlight new trends in the field of international transport and logistics.

The coming event will focus on topics related to issues of new railway systems, intermodal transportation, further development of infrastructure and transit corridors between East and West, but also to modern logistics solutions, backing for global cooperation.

On 13-15 March 2013 in Clarion Congress Hotel Prague****, Czech Republic, 4th year of the international conference IRFC 2013 takes place, this time focused to the topics:

• New Railway Systems
• East-West Transit Corridors
• Interoperability 1435/1520
• Russian Railway’s Development Plan to 2050
• e-Commerce for Rail Freight
• Best Business Cases
• Modern Logistics Solutions
• Railways, Intermodal and Infrastructure
• Support of the Global Cooperation


Location: Clarion Congress Hotel
Clarion Congress Hotel Prague is situated in a modern part of Prague - Vysočany, just 15 minutes from the historical centre of Prague. The excellent transport accessibility and perfect service..
Contact Freyova 33 CZ 190 00 9 - Vysočany Prague , Czech Republic
+420 211 131 111

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IRFC March 4 - 6, 2009