January 22 - 26, 2012    Burlingame CA , USA
The best global audience for digital imaging systems, 3D imaging, image quality, and image processing.

IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging is the must attend event for all aspects of electronic imaging, from imaging systems to instrumentation to image processing to algorithms. Topics include digital imaging, sensors and applications, 3D Imaging, multimedia, image processing, visualization and perception, and visual communications.

Oral and interactive paper presentations are encouraged on CCD, CMOS sensors, digital photography, color hardcopy, human vision, image processing and compression, stereoscopic displays, image quality, and multimedia imaging systems.

+ 3D Imaging, Interaction, and Measurement

+ Imaging, Visualization, and Perception

+ Image Processing

+ Digital Imaging Sensors and Applications

+ Multimedia Processing and Applications

+ Visual Information Processing and Communication

Cutting edge training is available through short courses taught by experts from academia and industry.


Location: Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
No need to trade comfort for convenience when you can have both at Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport. Experience our ideal location on San Francisco Bay - just 15 minutes from downtown San..
Contact 1333 Bayshore Highway, , California, USA 94010 Burlingame , USA
+1 650 347 1234

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