CAAR - Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers Convention 2012
February 22 - 24, 2012
Winnipeg , Canada
2012 CAAR Convention. Winnipeg, MB. February 22nd - 24th, 2012.
Serving up an incredible menu of training and entertainment for the 2012 CAAR Convention in Winnipeg, with great discounts for CAAR Members!
Theme of Hungry Planet: Feeding the Future will explore ideas on how to meet that daunting goal of feeding the 9 billion people that are expected to inhabit the planet by 2050.
Serving up an incredible menu of training and entertainment for the 2012 CAAR Convention in Winnipeg, with great discounts for CAAR Members!
Theme of Hungry Planet: Feeding the Future will explore ideas on how to meet that daunting goal of feeding the 9 billion people that are expected to inhabit the planet by 2050.
Location: Winnipeg Convention Centre
While the conference, meeting and consumer/trade show business are our primary market segments, many spectacular events that have required a wide range of specialty lighting, staging and dramatic..
375 York Avenue , Manitoba R3C 3J3 Canada Winnipeg , Canada
CAAR Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers
Ste. 107, 1090 Waverley Str., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T OP4, Canada,
+1 204/9899300,
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