March 23 - 24, 2010    Stockholm , Sweden
When easyFairs BUTIKSLEVERANTÖR was held for the fourth time, the fair was bigger and better than ever. The fair laid claim to a number of records as it attracted more exhibitors and visitors than ever before - 20% more visitors than the previous year. The fair was visited by more than 4100 visitors, and 95% of these make purchasing decisions. “We have met many significant decision-makers” and “we have got many new leads,” were just a few of all the statements made by the fair’s exhibitors. The exhibitors do business at the fair – they state that, on average, they will make sales worth SEK 500,000 per exhibitor as a direct of their participation. 26% of the exhibitors say they will have sales worth even more. easyFairs BUTIKSLEVERANTÖR is the natural meeting place for retailers. This is where the most important purchasers in retailing come, such as management, expansion managers, head purchasers, etc. This is where they meet, find new products, make deals and find out what’s new.


Location: Kista massan
Kistamässan - the brand new centre positioned in the heart of the region Kista Science City is perfect for organising anything from exhibitions and conferences to product launches, banquets, concerts..
Contact Stockholm , Sweden
+46 (0)8/50665000

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