October 17 - 18, 2012    Toronto , Canada
If you purchase, approve, design, or merchandise for the green industry, then you should attend EXPO Garden and Floral Show.

At EXPO 2012, Garden & Floral Expo, the spotlights will be brightly focused on the plants, flowers, exquisitely merchandised displays and educational opportunities that will capture your imagination, excite your senses and provide you with the retail marketing inspiration to adapt them to your store or garden centre. The Landscape Ontario EXPO Garden and Floral Expo is the venue where people from every aspect of the floriculture/horticulture industry come together to network, learn and do business together. It’s the perfect place to find the new ideas, products, tools, services and connections you need to build and grow your business!

Your Invitation to Inspiration
At EXPO 2012, you have a once a year opportunity to surround yourself with your peers, suppliers and leading industry authorities with the ideas, vision and knowledge to get you, and keep you, inspired. Be part of the burst of creativity that results from this interactive collaboration and learn the strategies and tactics to harness this inspiration and profitably incorporate it into your business.

Your Invitation to Investigation
With over 200 exhibitors, all under one roof, a visit to EXPO 2012 is time well spent! Whether you’re there to meet with existing suppliers, or to research and engage new ones, the show offers a one stop shopping destination for all the exciting new products and services available to your business. Use the unique advantages of face-to-face interaction on the trade show floor to network, research, learn, and ultimately earn more for your business. Join us at EXPO 2012 to meet growers of distinctive flowers, trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, ground covers, indoor tropical plants and all the collateral products and services that will drive sales and increase store profits.


Location: Toronto Congress Centre
Welcome to Toronto Congress Centre, Canada's newest, largest and most innovative state-of-the-art trade and convention facility. Toronto Congress Centre, one of the largest facilities of its kind in..
Contact 650 Dixon Road , Ontario M9W 1J1 Toronto , Canada
+1 (416) 245 5000

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