June 28 - 29, 2011    New York NY , USA
Discover the most advanced technology, up-to-date treatments and procedures from leading companies at the most progressive spa, medical aesthetic and wellness event of the year. Gain insights at industry relevant education sessions, manufacturer workshops and live demonstrations, and benefit from a productive and efficient buying environment on the Show Floor. Co-located with this event is the HBA Global Expo – the combination of both events provides attendees a 360 degree experience of the entire life cycle of a product as HBA is where new products begin and Spa & Resort Expo is where you find the final product and understand the appeal to the customer.


Location: Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
Jacob Javits Center is host to many leading conventions, trade shows, consumer shows and special events. There is no better world stage than the Javits Center on which to produce, exhibit or attend an..
Contact 655 West 34th Street New York , USA
212 216-2000