November 3 - 6, 2010    Tunis , Tunisia
Banks offshore. Banks. Merchant banks. Representation offices of foreign banks. Leasing and factoring companies. SICAR-SICAV. Stock market intermediaries. Post offices. Insurance companies covering risks on export. Interbank companies. Professional association of banks and financial institutions. Multilateral financing bodies and related institutions. Bank and financial services providers. Suppliers of software in bank and financing. Suppliers of computer science solutions for the banking sector (risk management, credit studies). Suppliers of hardware and monetary equipment and bank sorting equipment


Location: Parc des Expositions et Centre de Commerce International
* 18 hectares in the heart of Great Tunis: 35.000 sq m : total covered area including 3 exhibition halls, a, international trade center and storage area : Hall 1: Gross area = 8270 sq m Height..
Contact B.P.N° 1 2015 Le Kram Tunis , Tunisia
+216 1 730 111