April 6 - 10, 2010    Irkutsk , Russia
SIB Sfax 2010 , expects an influx increased over that of 2009, that is to say, amounting to about 70,000 visits, an estimate more likely that the number of exhibitors will register a significant increase that will 120 ... our main concern is obviously to ensure the comfort of exhibitors and visitors and the fluidity of movement of the crowd. The exhibition will include the usual equipment and computer accessories, telecommunications, Internet service providers, software, graphics, sound and image, checkpoint, alarm, cutter and large format printing, sound .


Location: Sibexpocentre
«Sibexpocenter» is an organization capable of holding a presentation at any large Russian or foreign exhibition. Specialists of exhibition complex have the experience of preparing and presentation of..
Contact 253 A, Baikalskaja ul., Exhibition Complex 664050 Irkutsk , Russia
+7 (0)3952/352239

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