2010 Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW)
conferences > Networking Technology conferences > Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW)
February 2 - 6, 2010
Melbourne , Australia
AusCTW 2010 will bring together researchers in physical layer communications and related areas. This year marks the eleventh Australian Communications Theory Workshop, which will be held in Canberra from Wednesday, February 3 through Friday, February 5, 2010. An industry day will be held in conjunction with the workshop and optional tutorials on Tuesday, February 2 and Saturday, February 6, 2010. The two and a half day workshop provides an opportunity for researchers and post-graduate students to gather in a largely informal environment to share ideas, make contacts and foster collaborative research links. Previous workshops have been very successful in building links and networks between researchers.
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2010 Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW) February 2 - 6, 2010