14th International Metrology Congress 2010
15 June, 2010
Paris FL , France
It is indeed an essential quality tool for decision making (declaration of conformity or non-conformity of a manufactured product, diagnosis based on a medical analysis, compliance or non-compliance with the legislation for safety, environment, ...).
As the set of problems is the same for every field of activity and for every measured quantity, an efficient solution is to participate in a competence network in which information and experiences can be shared in order that fast and reasonably costed progress can be achieved.
This fundamental principle led to the creation of the Collège Français de Métrologie.
As the set of problems is the same for every field of activity and for every measured quantity, an efficient solution is to participate in a competence network in which information and experiences can be shared in order that fast and reasonably costed progress can be achieved.
This fundamental principle led to the creation of the Collège Français de Métrologie.
Location: Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
Paris Expo Porte de Versailles is an exhibition centre that fulfils your heart's every desire! Throughout the year, it hosts an extensive programme of events, with plenty of surprises in store. As..
1 place de la Porte de Versailles 15 Paris , France
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