February 23 - 25, 2011    Cambridge , United Kingdom
span style="font-weight: bold;">The World Conference of IASME and WSEAS on GEOLOGY & SEISMOLOGY is the internationally recognized Forum for the dissemination of the latest advances on Geology and Seismology as well as their impact and their interaction with other areas of Geoscience, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering and Applied Physics. The various WSEAS conferences on Geosciences has been successfully held each year since 2007 and has produced 4 volumes of Proceedings while the best papers and the invited papers after extension and after peer review from 4 international referees, are published in WSEAS Journals covered by all the major scientific indexes.

The 4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on GEOLOGY & SEISMOLOGY aims to disseminate the latest research and applications in the afore mentioned fields. The range of topics covered are listed on the Call For Papers. The friendliness and openness of the WSEAS conferences, adds to their ability to grow by constantly attracting young researchers.

The IASME/WSEAS International Conference on GEOLOGY & SEISMOLOGY attracts each year a large number of well-established and leading researchers in the aforementioned areas as well as Modern and Advanced Applications in our Real Life.


Location: Murray Edwards College
Contact Cambridge , United Kingdom