February 17 - 18, 2011    San Francisco CA , USA

Every business is a digital business. But the most successful businesses seamlessly couple information and technology with their continuously evolving business processes. This isn’t easy – in most organizations, processes are uncharted, information is unreliable, and technology has created stovepipes rather than integrated platforms for business execution.

Two roles are critical to break down the barriers between process, information, and technology: Enterprise Architects, to connect business goals to information, application and technology strategy, and Business Process professionals, to find the opportunities to streamline and improve their operations. These two roles can be synergistic when they work together – creating intelligent, globally consistent processes, enabling fast change to seize new opportunities. But they can also be destructive when uncoordinated.


Location: The Palace Hotel
Contact 2 New Montgomery Street, 94105-3402 San Francisco , USA
+1 (415) 512-1111