September 18 - 20, 2012    Saint Petersburg , Russia
The 12th International Specialized Exhibition.
The first Energy Forum was organized in 2000 with the initiative of GAZPROM and KINEF in the forefront of economic and industrial recovery after the crisis of the 90s. The Forum development kept in step with the contemporary history of our country showing the qualitative changes in the Russian economy of the recent decade.

Being the Organizers every year we tried to make the Forum the most interesting and topical, inviting for participation companies from different regions of the country and the world and offering various forms of cooperation.


Location: Lenexpo Fairgrounds
"Lenexpo" complex possesses a number of significant advantages which help the company run successful business, and make it meet all the requirements, usually put for the exhibition conduction. It..
Contact 103 Bolshoy Prospect St. Petersburg, 199106 Saint Petersburg , Russia
7 (812) 217 2047 +7 812 321-2615

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