European Congress of Endocrinology 2012
May 5 - 9, 2012
Florence , Italy
The joint 15th International Congress of Endocrinology and 14th European Congress of Endocrinology which will take place in the elegant and historic city of Florence.
It is a very great pleasure to be hosting this prestigious joint meeting which we hope will enable us to discuss the latest advances in endocrinology and will also provide an opportunity for participants to meet and network with colleagues from across the globe.
It is a very great pleasure to be hosting this prestigious joint meeting which we hope will enable us to discuss the latest advances in endocrinology and will also provide an opportunity for participants to meet and network with colleagues from across the globe.
Location: Fortezza da Basso
The monumentale complex of the Fortezza da Basso, built on the outskirts of a mediaeval city from a design by the great architect Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, with the help of Pierfranceco da..
Viale Filippo Strozzi 1 50129 Firenze Florence , Italy
+39 0 55/49721
European Society of Endocrinology
Euro House
22 Apex Court
Bradley Stoke
Bristol. BS32 4JT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1454 642240
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