16 January, 2010    Houston TX , USA
The aim of the ANALCO workshop is to provide a forum for the presentation of original research in the analysis of algorithms and associated combinatorial structures. We invite both papers that study properties of fundamental combinatorial structures that arise in practical computational applications (such as permutations, trees, strings, tries, and graphs) and papers that address the precise analysis of algorithms for processing such structures, including: average-case analysis; analysis of moments, extrema, and distributions; probabilistic analysis of randomized algorithms, and so on. Submissions that present significant new information about classic algorithms are welcome, as are new analyses of new algorithms that present unique analytic challenges. We also invite submissions that address tools and techniques for the analysis of algorithms and combinatorial structures, both mathematical and computational.

The scientific program will include invited talks, contributed research papers, and ample time for discussion and debate of topics in this area.


Location: Hyatt Regency Arlington
Contact 2799 Jefferson Davis Highwa Houston , USA