June 27 - July 1, 2011    Moscow , Russia
The PSI conference is the premier forum in Russia for research and its applications in computer, software and information sciences. The conference brings together academic and industrial researchers, developers and users to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the conference area. The information on the previous PSI conferences can be found at Previous PSI Editions page.

The PSI’2011 conference is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of a prominent Russian scientist, late academician Andrei Ershov (1931-1988). Andrei Ershov belongs to the first generation of programmers whose efforts and endowments gave rise to informatics as a scientific research direction and new area of human activity. He made a substantial contribution to formation and development of theoretical and system programming in Russia. The compilers ALPHA and ALPHA-6, the first in the USSR time sharing system AIST, the projects BETA, SAPFIR, RUBIN, Shkol’nitsa, workstation MRAMOR – these systems created by a team headed by Andrei Ershov were in many aspects at the cutting edge of system programming in Russia and abroad. He played a very important role in establishing personal and professional contacts within the international programmers’ community and in creating common information space. More than 20 years passed since untimely death of Andrei Ershov but every other generation of programmers in the country and abroad will study his classical works, find there new ideas and incentives and always pay homage to the really outstanding and many-sided personality.


Location: Novosibirsk
Contact Moscow , Russia