June 13 - 14, 2009    Dallas TX , USA
We are dedicated to the encouragement, education and protection of the collecting of arms of all types. Through the exchange of information we strive to increase the number of collectors, provide a continuation of value of historical artifacts and dispel all false myths of legitimate arms ownership. We support the right to keep and bear arms as specified in the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States. We are affiliated with the National Rifle Association and direct all visitors to review their efforts in support of firearms safety and in legislative activities. We also support the Texas State Rifle Association and its competition, safety, and legislative activities in Texas. We encourage you to browse through our pages and hope you find us interesting and educational. The DACA is the oldest and biggest sponsor of gun shows in north Texas. We currently schedule five shows annually at the Market Hall in Dallas. See Gun and Knife Show Info. above for the upcoming schedule.


Location: Courtyard Dallas Market Center
Contact 2150 Market Center Blvd. Dallas , USA