June 30 - July 3, 2009
london , United Kingdom
In its 9th year, Soldier Technology will continue to put you in touch with key military figures involved in soldier modernisation around the world.
In 2009 there will be more Soldier Modernisation Programmes represented at Soldier Technology than ever before, giving you a unique opportunity to meet large groups of procurement and planning decision makers from MoDs around the world at one time in one place. With 500+ attendees in 2008, Soldier Technology’s role as the biggest soldier modernisation event in Europe was confirmed. In 2009 there will be a host of new additions to the conference programme, including a new focus day on managing soldier and vehicle interfaces as well as a bigger exhibition of the latest soldier equipment, giving you better networking and learning opportunities than any other soldier modernisation event in 2009.
Location: Olympia Conference & Exhibition Centre
The Grand Hall is famous for its stunning Victorian architecture, barrel-vaulted roof, and magnificent galleries. It offers exceptional space and flexibility, as well as plenty of natural daylight...
Hammersmith Road, Kensington, W14 8UX Twickenham , United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7385 1200
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