April 18 - 21, 2009    Salzburg , Austria

Visitors: 19000
Exhibitors: 350
Area: 21.200
As an immensely popular international centre of city and business tourism, Vienna is the ideal venue for the 'Alles für den Gast' early in the year, and as a commercial stage for a whole range of goods and services in the catering, restaurant and hotel industries. This comprehensive, internationally focused show features all the products and services available to the industry. The show has successfully established itself as a specialised commercial event for the eastern half of Austria and the neighbouring national markets!

An indispensable marketing tool for businesses looking to be successful; this is an event showing the direction in which the sector is developing. Attractive features and side-events are further guarantees for the Vienna Alles für den Gast to continue its success story into 2009!


Location: Messezentrum Salzburg Exhibition Centre
Contact Am Messezentrum 1 A-5020 Salzburg , Austria
+43 662 434566 0

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