November 27 - 29, 2019    Bombay , India

Visitantes: 10000
Expositores: 250
Intersolar India in Bangalore is India’s most pioneering exhibition and conference for India’s solar industry. It takes place annually at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre and has a focus on the areas of photovoltaics, PV production and solar thermal technologies. Starting in 2019, Intersolar India will be held for the first time under the umbrella of The smarter E India – India’s innovation hub for the new energy world.
Opening Hours
10:00am-6:00pm | Wednesday
10:00am-6:00pm | Thursday
10:00am-5:00pm | Friday


Location: Bombay Exhibition Centre
Bombay Exhibition Centre (BEC) is the largest and permanent exhibition centre, in the private sector, in India and was set up in 1991. BEC has hosted several prestigious International trade..
Contact NSE Nesco Complex Off Western Express Highway Goregaon East, - 400063. Mumbai , India


Solar Promotion International GmbH
P.O. Box 100 170 75101 Pforzheim, Germany
+49 7231 58598-0

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