September 12 - 14, 2017    Viena , Austria
4th Annual Product Development Excellence in Banking Summit has been designed to bring you a unique opportunity to gain fresh insights into the banking products and their future in a bank. This event brings us to the questions of what should banks look like and how strategies and innovations need to change to ensure success. To build a product strategy requires not only a careful observation on the market, but a kind of balancing between the unpredictable financial markets and rapidly increasing regulations with the ultimate aim of meeting clients’ investment objectives. The upcoming 4th Annual Product Development Excellence in Banking Summit provides you with an opportunity to learn how the industry leaders deal with these challenges that banks face when developing products.


Location: Renaissance Wien Hotel
Contact Linke Wienzeile/Ullmannstrasse 71 Vienna , Austria


Allan Lloyds Group
Trnavská cesta 82, Bratislava 821 02, Slovakia
+421 2 52 444 224 ext:213