November 14 - 15, 2016    Basilea , Suiza
In 2015, we saw the crescendo of the Amgen versus Sandoz case after many months of appeals. Along with that legal case, many more are still ongoing in the biosimilar sector. This year also provided a milestone in the ongoing discussions and debates on naming conventions with both the US FDA and WHO providing their individual guidance on such issues.

But what does all this mean for future biosimilar development?

Many questions need answering in order for biosimilars to reach the market success that the industry knows it can attain.

* Is there finally confidence from healthcare professionals in administering biosimilar drugs?
*Has the science of biosimilar development reached a level regulators are happy with in terms of characterisation and comparison?
* Are pricing strategies adequately supporting biosimilar development?

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Location: Kongress Zentrum Basel
Contact Basel , Switzerland
+41 (0)58/2002020


Terrapinn Ltd.
Wren House, 43 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EL United Kingdom

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