18 August, 2015    Palm Beach FL , Estados Unidos
Religious Accommodation under Title VII: What does the recent Abercrombie and Fitch Supreme Court decision Mean for Employers Instructor: Melissa Fleischer Product ID: 500966 Description Join webinar by Melissa Fleischer, attorney at law, to understand what employers are required to do to provide a religious accommodation for an employee’s religious beliefs. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires employers to accommodate the religious beliefs of their employees. Furthermore, the Supreme Court in a recent case involving Abercrombie & Fitch found in favor of a female job applicant who was not hired by the retailer for allegedly wearing a head covering in violation of the policies and procedures of the company. Many employers simply “don’t know” when it comes to understanding the religious beliefs and customs of both job applicants and their employees and the types of accommodations that are required if requested. There are numbers of ways employers get it wrong. Why Should you Attend Attend this webinar to learn and understand what constitutes a religious belief under the law, and are the accommodations required for all religions or for just certain ones? Do employers have to allow employees time off to pray during the day? Should time off for religious observation be charged to personal or vacation time? How much information does an employee have to provide an employer concerning his or her religious beliefs and customs before he or she is eligible to receive an accommodation. Objectives of the Presentation What is a religious belief? Does a religion have to be a well-known religion or even a religion at all? What types of accommodations might an employer have to provide? Does an employer have to allow an employee to pray during the workday? Does an employer have to allow an employee time off for religious observance on religious holidays? Get an in-depth overview of Abercrombie and Fitch Supreme Court decision How much information does an employee have t


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