29 July, 2015    Palm Beach FL , Estados Unidos
Learn the latest proposed regulatory changes designed to modernize and simplify the FLSA white collar exemptions.

The areas covered in this webinar include:
What is the proposed salary increase and how did the DOL arrive at this figure?
Why the DOL did not make proposed changes to the duties test at this time
Using nondiscretionary bonuses in the salary calculation
Why the DOL is considering reinstating the short/long test that was eliminated in 2004
What information the DOL wants from you regarding the duties test for the executive exemption
Methods the DOL is considering for automatic salary increases in the future

Why Should you Attend:
The proposal will have a significant impact on every company’s bottom line and, importantly on companies’ budgeting for 2016. The DOL has requested employers and employees alike to speak out on a number of topics. Learn what the DOL wants from you and how you should respond.


Location: Webinar Venue
Contact none Palm Beach , USA


2600 E. Bayshore Road Palo Alto, CA 94303

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