October 22 - 26, 2013    Nueva Orleans LA , Estados Unidos

The Endourological Society extends several privileges to its members, which includes a subscription to the official Journal of the society, the Journal of Endourology and Part B, Videourology™ and periodic notifications of scientific meetings, essay contests, endourology and laparoscopy fellowship programs, as well as information regarding job opportunities in urology. In addition, members receive a certificate of membership, and a reduced registration fee at annual meetings. Members of the society enjoy free access to scientific articles in Journal of Endourology (Part A), including a historical video library, and video presentations in Videourology™ (Part B). Finally, urology residents within North America and selected residents in Europe receive a free journal subscription during their residency, subject to industry support.


Location: Sheraton New Orleans Hotel
Contact 500 Canal Street New Orleans , USA