April 18 - 21, 2013    Togliatti , Rusia
Architectural and planning solutions of construction projects. Construction structures and materials. Finishing materials for interior and exterior use. Air conditioning, ventilation, water supply and heating. Electrical equipment. Furniture. Interior. Landscape.

Lovers grow flowers home landscape club Togliatti gives daily workshop on gardening and phyto design balconies and loggias. With the help of simple expert advice you turn your balcony into a blooming oasis.

Balconies with lush greenery and colorful flowers look spectacular on the facade of the building. Piece of nature in the urban jungle is admiring glances of passersby and happy owners with their beauty. At the same plants grown weaken street noise, clean the air of dust and smoke, and on hot days will protect you from too much sunlight. Attractiveness and beauty of any flowering balconies depend primarily on the skilful selection of plants and the correct placement of flower containers.


Location: Expo Togliatti
Contact RF, 445003, Komzina str., 6 Togliatti , Russia
+7 (8482) 48 96 57