November 8 - 11, 2012    Lisboa , Portugal
The groundbreaking series of COGI Congresses provide a unique platform to discuss controversial issues in all fields of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility. The ability to discuss only controversial topics with emphasis on clinical solutions in cases where no agreed-upon answers or consensus exist, provides clinicians with an insight and a take-home message that ameliorates treatment in the most difficult situations.

The aims of the World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility are:

-To promote excellence in the field of Gynecology & Infertility
-To bring to light through debates and discussions the current controversial issues in the field, and to come to aconsensus on them. This will be done using "Evidence Based Medicine" (EBM), and when sound evidence is lacking, through expert opinion.
-To bridge gaps between expansion of basic science and information and their consolidation into clinical practice
-To reach tangible agreements and practical consensus on the most current and controversial issues in the field
-To allow ample time for speakers and audience interaction, and to encourage discussion of new ideas with the principal elements derived from EBM and expert opinions
-To be the forum where general practitioners (GPs) can be updated at the highest level in all sub-disciplines of the profession
-To assist GPs in the understanding of the pressing clinical topics, technological advances, ethical and public health issues, standards of treatment, and medical solutions in the process of being developed


Location: Lisboa Convention Centre
Lisboa Convention Centre, situated in Praça das Indústrias. Overlooking the Tagus River, in a prestigious area of the city (in Junqueira/Belém historical quarter)
Contact Praça das Indústrias 1300-307 / Portugal Lisbon , Portugal
+ 35 (1) 213601400


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+972 73 706950