October 16 - 17, 2012    Quebec , Canadá
Gain the most recent critical updates and tools you need to successfully hire and retain foreign workers in Western Canada’s booming economy.

With recently announced changes to the immigration system impacting the process for hiring and retaining foreign workers, you need to stay up-to-date on the new requirements and obligations for employers and foreign workers. As the economy in Western Canada continues to strengthen, your high-stakes projects may require labour that currently is not available within Canada. You want to continue running operations smoothly, by ensuring you plan your labour force in advance so that the right workers are here when you need them and into the future. At the same time, you must ensure that you remain compliant with the regulations to avoid costly consequences such as fi nes and being placed on CIC’s noncompliance list.

By attending The Canadian Institute’s 5th Annual Legal and Human Resource Guide to Employing Foreign Workers, you will gain the comprehensive critical strategies and tools you need to make important decisions about who to hire and from where, and how to maximize your investment, by retaining them where possible. This comprehensive and unmatched event will help you manage the top issues you are facing today, including:

• Complying with the new Accelerated-LMO Program
• Developing a successful global recruitment strategy
• Ensuring effective corporate compliance protocols
• Successfully managing issues arising at the port of entry
• Maximizing your usage of key LMO Exemptions
• Identifying and managing key employment law and tax issues
• Ensuring retention through the PNP and other avenues to permanent residence
• Successfully onboarding your foreign workers
• AND more!

Learn how to minimize costly delays by developing tools to successfully and efficiently complete applications after important regulatory changes by


Location: BMO centre
Contact 20 Roundup Way, Stampede Park Quebec , Canada
450 773-0175