Health 2.0 Europe Conference 2012
November 6 - 7, 2012
Berlín , Alemania
It’s about a new generation of entrepreneurs believing they can be the change they want to see in their health systems. It’s about engaging a deeper conversation and widening our perspective on today’s health eco-systems: it’s not just about social media and communities, it’s also about patient-physician communication, personalized medicine, population health management, wellness, sensors/devices/unplatforms, data, analytics, system reform… It’s about leveraging the international Health 2.0 community to promote cross-pollination of ideas and technology collaboration. It’s about start-ups leading the way into the future of healthcare!
Taking place at the Langenbeck Virchow Haus in Berlin on November 6-7, the event will reconvene the key Health 2.0 stakeholders in Europe: health entrepreneurs, IT solution providers, health professionals, patient organizations, health authorities, public and private insurance organizations, medical devices and pharmaceutical companies, telecom groups, VC and financiers, policy makers, academics…
Taking place at the Langenbeck Virchow Haus in Berlin on November 6-7, the event will reconvene the key Health 2.0 stakeholders in Europe: health entrepreneurs, IT solution providers, health professionals, patient organizations, health authorities, public and private insurance organizations, medical devices and pharmaceutical companies, telecom groups, VC and financiers, policy makers, academics…
Location: Langenbeck Virchow Haus GbR
Luisenstraße 58/59 10117 (Mitte) Berlin , Germany
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