March 14 - 17, 2013    Nueva York NY , Estados Unidos
International Vision Expo East is the pre-eminent fashion and medical eyecare event where eyecare professionals in the Americas gather to experience the energy and international style.

Vision Expo has listed show specials online for years, but now we're going a few steps further. More exhibitors will participate, with an emphasis on what's new. At the show, you can pick up a Show Specials catalog at our new Show Specials Counters.

Plus, participating exhibitors will be noted in the show directory and have a decal outside of their booth. Show specials include product launches, events, parties, seminars, demonstrations, free gifts, contests & raffles, giveaways and celebrity appearances.


Location: Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
Jacob Javits Center is host to many leading conventions, trade shows, consumer shows and special events. There is no better world stage than the Javits Center on which to produce, exhibit or attend an..
Contact 655 West 34th Street New York , USA
212 216-2000

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