July 10 - 11, 2012
Southeast Asia is still looking for the right format of Islamic Banking. The government in Malaysia is ready to move and fully support the Islamic banking, while in Indonesia the central bank is still developing the right policies to build a 'proper' infrastructure for the Islamic banking industry. Strategic development of the Islamic banking, continues awareness campaign and training to gain understanding of the shariah principles are critical in SEA countries.


Chief Executive Officers, Managing Director, Chief Risk Officer, Financial Controller, Chief Financial Officer, Finance Director, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Credit Officer, Central Bankers, Senior Regulators, Government Officials, Regional and International Academicians, International Finance Consultants, Heads of International Islamic & Conventional Banks, Islamic Banking Information Technology Specialists, IT Solution Providers, International Legal Specialists, Global Financial Media Representatives, International Ratings Officers.


-CEO Roundtable for Islamic Banking
-A look into different Islamic Structures
-Asset Management on Shariah principles
-Capital Markets and Equity
-Debt and Risk Management with Islamic Banking
-Annual Fatwa Session: The Shariah Scholars and Practitioners Panel


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