February 15 - 17, 2017    Kiev , Ucrania
Grain Tech Expo – biggest agro-industrial forum, which holds leading place in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Complex of the innovative solutions in different stages of production, storing, processing and transportation of grain, leguminous and oil crops.

Exhibition unites the leading professionals of grain market – producers and dealers of the sector in the format of the specialized business event.

Creates optimal conditions for dialogue between producers of the agricultural crops, core associations, government departments, producers of the machinery and equipment, seeds and plant protection for exchange of experience and conclusion of the contracts


Location: Kiev Expo Plaza Exhibition Center
The main activity directions - organization and holding international and national specialized exhibitions, business meetings, companies presentations, conferences and seminars, advertising campaigns,..
Contact st. Salyutna, 2-B, Kyiv 04111, Ukraine Kiev , Ukraine

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