May 8 - 10, 2012    Nueva Orleans LA , Estados Unidos

Visitantes: 40000
Expositores: 1200
Zona: 40000 sqm.
CTIA is All Things Mobile. Now with new dates in May, International CTIA WIRELESS® is even better positioned to meet the needs of the global wireless marketplace.

This bold move is more than a change of dates. It is the best opportunity to create a more personalized, powerful experience at the one place for carrier services, enterprise, communications, apps, content and social networking.

Service operators, retailers/distributors, applications providers, enterprise and vertical market users, content providers and mobile web companies — any company who values the potential, excitement, efficiency, and immediacy of wireless communications — should attend!


Location: Ernest N Morial Convention Center
NEW ORLEANS AT ITS BEST! Events held in New Orleans just aren’t the same as events held in other cities. Smiles are brighter. Handshakes are more energetic. Everyone is simply excited to be in one of..
Contact 900 Convention Center Blvd, , LA 70130, United States New Orleans , USA
+1 504-582-3000

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