April 14 - 15, 2011    Viena , Austria
Inspired by feedback from our loyal PPM delegates and our past six annual Project and Portfolio Pharma Conferences we have put together a very new, special formatted event Pharma PPM Think Tank 2011 – MasterClass Workshop Series & Debate Forum!

Pharma Think Tank is a fresh, highly interactive meeting, which is exclusively focused on collaborative debates, lively roundtable discussions and practical workshop series.

Learning experience delivered through this format will allow you to transform gained knowledge into a practice - immediately.

• Learn to improve the efficiency of R&D process and boost the return on research investments.
• Find out how to maintain an optimized portfolio in current payer\-driven environment and cost containment initiatives in 2011.
• Learn how to allocate your resources more effectively.
• Discuss how to apply risk assessment procedures and techniques to ensure the success of your project.
• Learn from first hand experience, how to minimize the failure rates in late stage development projects.


Location: Vienna Austria
Contact Vienna , Austria

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Pharma PPM Think Tank April 14 - 15, 2011