September 29 - 30, 2010    Praga , Republica Checa
Munition solutions across the multi-national and multi service environment

Joint Munition Effects is your best opportunity in 2010 to meet with recently returned operational commanders to discuss munition challenges, capabilities and future needs.

The programme will discuss:
- Operational insights from current operational theatres
- The joint operating environment
- Munitions lifecycle management
- Inventory management and joint forces
- Munition interoperability into the future
- Worldwide force insights
- Precision guided munitions across all environments
- Scalable lethality in the urban environment

This conference will bring together key stakeholders from across the munitions community who share a common interest in munition challenges across the Joint Operating Environment.

Combining specialists from the scientific, manufacturing and military sectors, Joint Munition Effects 2010 will provide a forum where operational insights will illustrate munition effects in the modern battlespace.


Location: Prague Marriott Hotel
Contact Prague , Czech Republic
420 222 888 888

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Joint Munition Effects June 14 - 16, 2011
Joint Munition Effects September 29 - 30, 2010