March 15 - 17, 2010    Nueva York NY , Estados Unidos
Managing Your Enterprise-Wide Data to Minimize Risk
Data management industry executives need to raise the visibility of their initiatives. The FIMA conference represents a singular point where the underlying symptoms that contributed to the failure of the financial system meet - transparency, timeliness, and comprehensiveness of data.

Event Benefits:

Every session at FIMA will be tied to Data Management's ultimate goals –
How to reduce operational costs, decrease risk and generate revenue.
• Keep up to date with innovative strategies for acquiring, cleansing and maintaining securities and entity data
• Explore ways to reduce operational risk and implement better internal processes
• Focus on tactics for reducing market data costs
• Learn what metrics are being utilized to enhance business operations
• Understand the potential impact of a reference data utility on your daily operations
• Examine how regulatory restructuring will impact your


Location: Bridgewaters
Contact 11 Fulton St., Fulton Market Bldg., South St., Seaport New New New York , USA

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FIMA March 15 - 17, 2010