October 4 - 6, 2011    Cluj Napoca KY , Estados Unidos

Visitantes: 11000
Expositores: 800
Zona: 101242 sqm.

In 2011 it is estimated by the International Monetary Fund that U.S. spending on Utilities Infrastructure will be 2.2 Billion dollars. Are your Customers Equipped to Service all this business? Your company needs to be at ICUEE to present your products to an industry in need of new equipment and information.ICUEE, the International Construction & Utility Equipment Exposition, is the premier international demonstration exposition and education resource for the construction and utility industries, focusing on the following sectors:
Phone and Cable
Sewer and Water
General Construction
Public Works


Location: Kentucky Exposition Center
One of the top 10 largest public facilities of its kind in the United States, the Kentucky Exposition Center features large facilities with diverse capabilities. The 400-acre property offers more than..
Contact 937 Phillips Lane , KY 40209-1398 Louisville , USA
(502) 367-5000