ConnectivityWeek 2011
May 23 - 26, 2011
Santa Clara CA , Estados Unidos
Visitantes: 700
ConnectivityWeek provides a level of visibilty offered by no other conference event. With average annual growth in event attendance at approximately 50%, ConnectivityWeek draws a unigue cross section of leaders and decision makers in the energy and technology space. Taking place in the heart of Silicon Valley, ConnectivityWeek is a content-rich conference that explores the myriad of ways information communication technology (ICT) can be applied to manage energy and deliver efficiency across an array of vertical applications. In a unique format dedicated to connecting people and ideas, ConnectivityWeek explores the value propositions, business models, and technologies needed to deliver Smart Grid benefits beyond the grid – into major residential, commercial, and industrial consumption areas.
Location: Santa Clara Convention Center
The Santa Clara Convention Center is a complete meeting venue in the heart of Silicon Valley, CA just south of San Francisco off Interstate I-101 at Great America Parkway. The center’s fully-equipped..
1850 Warburton Avenue , CA 95050 Santa Clara , USA
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