April 11 - 13, 2011    Las Vegas NV , Estados Unidos
“Software for Use: Challenges of the New Information Technology” Track

8th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations - ITNG 2011
April 11-13, 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Submission Deadline: October 15, 2010

Proceedings to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS)


Usability is (should be) a major concern when designing any interactive software system. Applications based on emerging information technology bring new challenges. Is it the classical concept of usability still valid? Which are the dimensions of the (new) usability? How can it be measured? How should we develop for (better) usability?
The objective of the track is to bring together researchers and practitioners to share recent advances and to explore new direction of software usability. Suggested topics for the track include, but are not limited to:

* Usability attributes, paradigms and principles
* Usability evaluation
* Usability heuristics
* Usability frameworks
* Usability in practice
* Usability in grid computing
* Usability in virtual worlds
* Usability in interactive television
* Usability in scientific applications
* Usability in engineering applications
* Usability in business applications
* Usability in arts & humanities applications
* Usability in computer games
* Usability in virtual communities
* Usability in collaborative systems
* Usability in mobile computing
* Usability in human-agent interaction
* Usability in human-robot interaction
* Usability, privacy and security
* Usability and universal access
* Usability and internationalization


Location: The Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel & Casino
Contact 3555 Blvd. S Las Vegas , USA