May 24 - 25, 2012    Liverpool , Reino Unido
Obstetric Anaesthesia 2012


Organised and hosted by Dr Philip Barclay and Dr Shubha Mallaiah with support from local colleagues to be held at the ACC Liverpool (BT Convention Centre)

Application will be made to the Royal College of Anaesthetists for approval of the workshops (23 May) at 3 CPD credits
each and for the scientific meeting (24 & 25 May) at 5 CPD credits per day.

Free papers
Deadline for submission of free paper abstracts for oral and poster presentation: Friday 13 January 2012

Workshops (Wednesday afternoon 23 May)
The following practical hands-on workshops under the tuition of experts will be held (3 hours each) in the Liverpool
Medical Institution, 10 – 15 minutes walk from Lime Street Rail Station or 20 minutes walk from the Conference
Centre. Registration at 13.30 for 14.00 start.
• Obstetric Difficult Airway Management
• Ultrasound for Obstetric Regional Anaesthesia
• Near Patient Coagulation Testing
Workshops will run concurrently. Fee £150. See meeting website for full details and availability.

Registrat ion fee
Consultants: OAA Members £375; Non-members £405
Trainees: OAA Members £285; Non-members £305
Midwives/ODPs etc: £195
Register online via the meeting website. Immediately following registration, delegates will be sent confirmation of
their place and a receipt for their registration fee by email.
There will be no on-site registration.
The registration fee includes refreshments and lunch on Thursday and Friday.
Cancellation: provided written notice of cancellation is received by the OAA Secretariat at least 10 days before the
meeting, the registration fee will be refunded less a £15 administration charge.


Location: Liverpool Arena and Convention Centre
Contact Monarchs Quay Liverpool , United Kingdom

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Obstetric Anaesthesia May 24 - 25, 2012
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