November 3 - 6, 2011    Bratislavia , Eslovaquia
span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; ">The book fair BIBLIOTEKA represents an already traditional place for the meeting of those who write, illustrate, translate, publish, print, sell, lend and read books. The professional guarantee over the book fair has been assumed by the Slovak Association of Publishers and Booksellers. Through the support from domestic publishers as well as the interest of international publishers, we also enjoy a great interest from professional visitors as well as from the general public. We believe that, by our joint effort, we will manage to create a splendid event, with a rich and interesting accompanying programme and meetings with interesting personalities of the book market, and that this trade fair becomes the place for meeting and establishing new trade and social contacts.


Location: Incheba Expo
Contact Viedenska cesta 3-7 Bratislava , Slovakia
+421 (0)2/67271111

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