September 26 - 28, 2011    Las Vegas NV , Estados Unidos

Visitantes: 22700
Expositores: 1100
Zona: 48415 sqm.
The most complete packaging-focused shows in the world’s largest market. There’s not a more efficient or cost-effective way to do business!

In three days at one powerful event, you and your colleagues will—

*Connect face-to-face with 1,600 world-class suppliers and 25,000 colleagues.
*Evaluate the compatibility of the latest innovations with your product lines.
*See flexible packaging and processing machinery in action, on the show floor.
*Discover cutting-edge total systems solutions—processing equipment, operations software,  packaging machinery, converting machinery, materials and containers—plus the latest advances in secure packaging, printing and graphics, and instrumentation.
*Return with the best business solutions for innovation, cutting costs and increasing efficiency right down the line.

Exhibit Hours:

September 26 - 28,    9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Registration Fees:

US $30.00 (On or before Wednesday, September 7, 2011.)
US $60.00 (After Wednesday, September 7, 2011 and on site.)


Location: Las Vegas Convention Center LVCC
The Las Vegas Convention Center is one of the most modern and functional facilities in the world - a 3.2 million square foot facility located within a short distance of more than 100,000 guest rooms...
Contact 3150 Paradise Rd , NV 89109 Las Vegas , USA
(702) 892-0711

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