September 7 - 10, 2009    Tel Aviv , Israel
Plasto Ispack 2009 the 12 International Exhibition for Plastics, Rubber & Packaging will be held at the Tel Aviv Exhibition Center, 7-9 September 2009. Plasto Ispack 2009 is organized by the Tel-Aviv Exhibition Center, under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade and Commerce and in cooperation with the Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute, Society of Israel Plastics & Rubber Industry and the Israeli Institute for Packaging & Design Israel’s plastics, rubber and packaging industries are among the most advanced industrial sectors, placing special emphasize on innovations, small-batch production, high quality and quick delivery. Plasto Ispack 2009 will be the showcase for the Israel’s world-renowned plastics, rubber and packaging technologies and integrated solutions. Plasto Ispack 2009 will be placing emphasis on agricultural products, a field of special concern for the Middle East generally and Israel in Particular.


Location: Israel Trade Fairs Center
The Israel Trade Fairs & Convention Center, is undergoing a renovation of its looks, and positions itself at the third millennium, ready and set over the green lawns, featuring a large and modern..
Contact Rokach Blvd. P.O. Box 21075 The Exhibition Gardens Tel Aviv , Israel
+972 3 6404480

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