May 19 - 21, 2009    Chicago IL , Estados Unidos

Visitantes: 20000
Expositores: 450
will attend this years ALL CANDY EXPO Over 450 confectionery and snack companies from around the world, 12,000 qualified industry professionals in attendance and visitors from 69 countries will attend and exhibit
More than 2,000 NEW snack and confectionery items on display
Newly-expanded Gourmet Marketplace returns for third consecutive year
Merchandising brought to the forefront at the “Retail Merchandising Solutions Center”
Latest trends and issues addressed by industry experts

If you are a confectionery, cookie or snack retailer, you need to be at the ALL CANDY EXPO 2009 - it's the ONLY show that represents all of the distribution and trade channels in the confectionery and snack industry in ONE location.


Location: McCormick Place
Welcome to Chicago's McCormick Place, the premier convention facility in North America. Located just minutes from downtown Chicago, McCormick Place is owned and operated by the Metropolitan Pier and..
Contact 2301 S. Lake Shore Drive, 60616 Chicago , USA

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ALL CANDY EXPO 2009 May 19 - 21, 2009