September 10 - 12, 2010    Jonkoping , Sweden
More and more people discover the benefits of the mobile housing. New audiences are attracted by the freedom with a richer leisure. At Elmia Husvagn Husbil is the place to be for you who wish to change accommodation or looking for a new.
Last year 41 648 people visited the fully booked exhibition. Range among the visitors is large, both in age and the requirements of the mobile housing. We promise that this is caravans, static caravans, combi-camp, tent, campsite, or gadget for all needs! As usual, we have seasoned with times, the consumer goods market and the dinner show. There is also Sweden's largest nursery, where you as a parent, quietly and safely leave the children while you look, feel and dream about your future experience.


Location: Elmia Exhibition Centre
The Congress Hall is the heart of our conference and meetings operation. It is home to around 20 conference rooms for 8-110 people. We also have two larger meeting rooms – Rydbergsalen which seats..
Contact Box 6066 SE-550 06 Jonkoping , Sweden
+46 36 15 20 00

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